Our Trademarks

Zapier uses a number of terms and logos as active trademarks in branding our products and services, including those listed below. Zapier has also registered or applied for registration of some of these trademarks in the United States, and other countries around the world. Although many of Zapier’s trademarks are listed below, Zapier’s trademark rights are not limited to these marks and logos.  






Zapier logo

Zapier logo

Zapier logo

Zapier embraces “fair use” of its trademarks. As such, you may use the above trademarks to identify Zapier and our products, for example, in your website, blog, or news article, or to identify your integration with Zapier products. These uses must be without modification or deceptive intent and not create any likelihood of confusion between yourself and Zapier’s products, services, or brand. Additionally, your use of the Zapier trademarks must be consistent with Zapier’s brand visual guidelines available here.  

We monitor the use of our trademarks and reserve the right to request that third parties modify or terminate any use that violates our brand guidelines, creates a likelihood of confusion, or dilutes Zapier’s trademarks.  Misuses of Zapier’s trademarks include using Zapier’s trademarks (or similar terms) as part of your domain.